ABB food and beverage conduit systems, are designed to protect complex equipment with sensitive electrical wiring systems, controls and automation. Mechanical process equipment in the food and beverage industry, combined with the shift towards increased automation through conveyor and feeder systems, means there are often thousands of power and data cables that need to be protected. However, cable protection systems like conduits and fittings, can in themselves become a home for bacteria and pose a potential threat in food processing.
ABB's solution created with technology partner BioCote, integrates antimicrobial protection in to a new generation of liquid tight conduit. Featuring a smooth, FDA, EC and FSA compliant DuPont Hytrel thermoplastic jacket, the conduit is complimented by a single piece liquid tight 316 Stainless Steel fitting. The new system is a viable alternative to other types of conduit systems and is suitable for food zone non-contact areas.