Save Time Pulling Wire with a Construction Services Specialist
- November 14, 2019
- Best Practices
- Electrical
Cutting setup time on jobsites is easier – and more cost effective – with Van Meter’s Adam Bayliss, a dedicated Contractor Services Specialist.
When you compare what it takes to pull wire now vs. several years ago, there are plenty of opportunities to improve setup.
Adam Bayliss, Van Meter’s contractor services specialist, has helped contractors reduce the number of people needed for wire-pull setup from five or six down to two, sending the rest of the team off to focus on other tasks. He has assisted contractors cut half-day setup down to an hour, and reduce jobsite pulling time from days to hours while requiring half the number of laborers.
Starting out in the warehouse picking conduit orders, Bayliss then transitioned into a tool-crib role for a few years, spending time on jobsites and becoming familiar with labor-saving tools. This set him up to become Van Meter’s go-to contractor services specialist: an authority on fast, efficient, and safe jobsite setup.
Here’s how it works: Bayliss pays a visit to your jobsite – at no cost – before conduit is run. He’ll discuss possible setup options, walk through the pulls, and then point out solutions and processes along the way that can decrease setup time and help you wrestle wire into conduit in your specific situation.
During these visits, he brings his own set of trusted tools with him. You get to see firsthand the labor-saving solutions he uses and hear about contractors that have saved time and decreased costs by improving jobsite setup.
Once contractors make some of Bayliss’ recommended adjustments, he says the overwhelming response is: “We can’t believe we got everything done in that amount of time. And, we can’t believe the work is already finished!”
Call us at 800-247-1410 to learn more about how Adam can help you improve your jobsite planning or set up a time to meet Adam.
Bayliss has been providing customers with time and labor-saving solutions since joining Van Meter in 2012.