Three Simple Solutions to Make your Jobsite safer
- May 16, 2023
- Best Practices
- Electrical
How have you made your jobsite safer today? It doesn’t take a grand gesture to make sure your workforce goes home in the same shape they arrived in. Here are three simple ways you can make your jobsite safer today.
Stripping wire with knives is dangerous, time-consuming, strenuous and unnecessary. Ditch the knives, and give your hands a break with a knifeless, battery-operated cable stripper. Most cable strippers on the market are hand operated and clumsy to set up. Battery-operated cable strippers are die-specific, so they are consistently more accurate and considerably quicker than stripping wire by hand. Here’s how it works:
- Choose the correct size aluminum or copper die for your wire - e.g. 1/0 to 750 MCM
- Measure your cutback for your lug (one time)
- Set your battery-operated cable stripper to the correct gauge
- Connect your die to your cable stripper
- Push a button and watch it strip back to your designated measurement every time
DeWalt and Milwaukee both offer battery-operated cable strippers that practically pay for themselves, as you can make your cuts about four times as fast. Plus, you can’t put a price on safety. Removing knives from your jobsite is an easy way to keep your workforce safe and productive.
A lot can go wrong in the time it takes you to radio or yell for someone to stop a wire pull. How can you get more control over your wire tugger? Southwire Triggers are a wireless safety switch system that allow you to control the tugger from the feed end, the tugger end, a pull-through box or anywhere you feel there might be a risk area you would like to watch.
You can link together several foot pedals and hand-held switches to monitor the pull from several locations at once. If the person operating one of the switches notices something coming off the spool funny, any nicks in the wire or something that could endanger another person, they can simply remove their foot from the pedal or press a button on the hand-held switch to immediately stop the pull. Once they address the issue, they can simply reapply their foot or hold the button on the hand-held remote to resume. Southwire Triggers will work with any wire tugger, so they’re a perfect safety addition for any jobsite.
Does your workforce know how to work safely with medium voltage terminations? Could you even use a refresher on some of the terms for medium voltage terminations? Sign up for medium voltage termination training through 3M.
Whether someone does medium voltage terminations every day or hasn’t done it in 10 years, there are procedures that often get overlooked. Medium voltage cable is unique because it has multiple layers that must be cut back in a certain way. If not, it can cause massive failures that can start fires, damage equipment and injure your people. 3M offers a great refresher course on how important your cutbacks are and what can happen if your cable is not prepped properly. Reach out to your Van Meter account manager or one of our contractor services specialists to get you and your crew signed up.
Want to get a first-hand look or discuss any of these solutions with one of our experts? Call 1-800-247-1410 or contact us to schedule a product demo or register for training.
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