CENTERLINE® MCC with IntelliCENTER® Software Commissioning

Rockwell Automation Instructor-Led

Course Code: CCI108
Time: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Price: TBD
For more information call:319-399-0723


After completing this course, given a newly installed CENTERLINE® MCC with IntelliCENTER® software, you should be able to produce an operational motor control system over an EtherNet/IP network.

Throughout the course, you will work with a number of hardware and software products, including:
• IntelliCENTER software
• E300™ and E3 Plus™ electronic overload relays
• PowerFlex® 525 and PowerFlex 40 variable speed drives
• Stratix® 5700 industrial Ethernet switches
• Logix5000™ controllers and the Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application
• FactoryTalk® View software

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