Hazard Communication Standard-Workplace SDS-GHS

Electrical Continuing Education

Course Code: SDS101
Time: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Price: $585

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-247-1410.


To increase your company’s Hazard Communication Standard compliance. Is your company in compliance regarding essential Safety Data Sheet and Global Harmonization System education? Are your employees aware of the multiple abbreviations and definitions within the SDS or GHS format? Newly hired workers, experienced employees and existing management teams will benefit from this session. Not a generic overview, this class is designed to give attendees a heightened knowledge of the chemicals within your particular workplace. Upon completion of this session, your ability to navigate through a given SDS and GHS example, will be greatly increased.

Note that this is not a chemical spill response class, but rest assured, your team’s confidence in gleaning needed information and preparing you for chemicals new and old in your workplace, will be greatly enhanced! Attendees should send in or bring 3 of their main chemical SDS.

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