Modernizing Your Industrial Network (Part 4): Supporting Your Network
- December 2, 2021
- Best Practices
- Automation
Your network acts as the backbone for everything that happens within your plant: digital transformation, automation, smart manufacturing, IIoT, Industry 4.0, and the list goes on. Because of this, industrial network requirements are always changing. As new technologies are unveiled—along with new ways of working—capabilities must expand to support different types of protocols, systems, and devices.
Crucial to the ongoing success of an industrial network is making sure you have a person or team designated to it. This group needs the knowledge and know-how to support, troubleshoot, secure, and maintain your network, as well as plan for longevity and find ways to futureproof infrastructure. And, as IT and OT come together, manufacturing and industrial environments will also need someone to step forward to help align priorities and encourage synergistic work.
Industrial networks can transform your plant’s performance—as long as someone is at the helm to make sure it always delivers reliable, seamless connectivity and security.
Van Meter wants to make sure your plant has a plan and person dedicated to network success. Jackie and the rest of the team can provide support to your in-house team—or fill in some gaps that might be missing. We also have long-standing relationships with key product partners that offer valuable tools, education, and support as well.
If you have the staff resources, but employees just need training to bring everyone up to speed, we can help with that, too. Van Meter offers one-on-one education at your jobsite; classes and sessions at our training centers throughout Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alabama, and Virginia; and industry conferences that bring people together to network and learn.
Want to learn about modernizing your industrial network? Check out our recent blogs.

For more information, please reach out to your sales representative or call 1-800-247-1410.